Get in touch

Get in contact with us today.
We look forward to hearing from you!


By Appointment Only

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
7am - 5pm


Servicing Mareeba, Atherton, Tolga, Kuranda, Speewah, Koah, Yungaburra, Malanda, Lake Eacham, Lake Barrine, Chewko, Dimbulah, Mutchilba, Biboorah and beyond!

Important things to read before you request a quote.

For example, the information we will need to assist you as best as we can;

1. What style fence are you looking at installing?

2. What height fence do you require?

3. Please provide measurements or a mudmap (sketch)

4. If you have photos, please attach them to assist us

5. Do you need an existing fence removed?

Please click the below example of Client Quote Description sheet to assist you

Example Client Quote Description

You can use this template below to download, complete & send through with your quote request

Client Quote Description

We use Google Earth or Google Maps to assist us with getting approximate measurements.

If you aren’t familiar with these applications, please have a read of the guides to assist you with getting measurements of your property. They are both very easy to use and are freely available if you search on the internet.

Note; this will only work for larger areas, for smaller areas you will need to measure by hand.

Measure with Google Earth Instructions

How to Measure on Google Earth

Measure with Google Maps instructions

How to Measure on Google Maps

Ready to request your quote?
Click the button below